I thought in 2023 this couldn't happen. In the past, partners I personally knew, who wanted to be with each other forever, were ripped apart upon death by families who exercised their right to do so.
If a San Francisco supervisor has a complaint and wants changes made to the city budget, the time to do that is before the spending plan is adopted, not weeks later.
On May 29, 2013, a month after the final adoption of Marriage for All, then Montpellier mayor Hélène Mandroux presided at the very first same-sex wedding in France.
On the heels of the attempt by the conservative Temecula school board in Southern California to ban textbooks, the equally right-wing Chino Valley Unified School District board in San Bernardino County has adopted a policy that is dangerous.
The exhilarating days of Obama-era LGBTQ activism have given way to a dangerous complacency that threatens all the unprecedented gains of the past 20 years.
Growing up in southwestern Virginia, in a family so poor our home had no running water, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I never had an LGBTQ+ role model to turn to or to emulate as I tried to understand who I was.