
Editorial: Ending trans homelessness

Editorial: Ending trans homelessness

Last week, Mayor London Breed outlined how she would like to spend the $185 million windfall that the city became aware of a few months ago: for homelessness, behavioral health, and affordable housing services.

Guest Opinion: Drugmaker must be held accountable for putting profits ahead of people

Guest Opinion: Drugmaker must be held accountable for putting profits ahead of people

It's bad enough that blacks are already more likely than whites to die from HIV/AIDS. But a drug company's scheme to put profits ahead of lives only compounds the anguish of targeted communities and amplifies cries for justice.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: A stellar choice to lead DPH

Editorial: A stellar choice to lead DPH

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jan 30, 2019

San Francisco Mayor London Breed made an outstanding choice by naming Dr. Grant Colfax to lead the sprawling Department of Public Health.

Guest Opinion: Challenging Christians on LGBTs

Guest Opinion: Challenging Christians on LGBTs

I'm seeking to build bridges with my new book, "We Love You, But You're Going to Hell."

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Gov can set notable mark with judge pick

Editorial: Gov can set notable mark with judge pick

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jan 23, 2019

The Trump administration's attack on transgender people was brought into sharp focus Tuesday

Guest Opinion: Here's how to mitigate trans rights rollback

Guest Opinion: Here's how to mitigate trans rights rollback

  • by Elizabeth L. Hillman and Chicora Martin
  • Jan 23, 2019

We believe that the denial of rights to transgender people, due to changes in federal law, can be mitigated. Here's how:

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Editorial: Berkeley needs to improve ped safety

Editorial: Berkeley needs to improve ped safety

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Jan 16, 2019

Berkeley must stop procrastinating and start implementing its Vision Zero program to reduce traffic deaths and injuries.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.

Guest Opinion: Support needed for LGBT refugees

Guest Opinion: Support needed for LGBT refugees

Fleeing persecution from homophobic countries can be the most life-risking experience and the wisest decision at the same time.

Editorial: Milk terminal: Bigger is better

Editorial: Milk terminal: Bigger is better

A few months ago, some city leaders expressed dissatisfaction about the proposed size of the words "The Harvey B. Milk Terminal" that will one day grace Terminal 1 at San Francisco International Airport.

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

This week's editorial cartoon.