As the crew scrambled to put the finishing touches on the new film "Bitter Melon," director H.P. Mendoza got some good news from CAAMfest 36, the upcoming Asian American film festival where his new film will be the centerpiece narrative.
The Roxie Theater, San Francisco's longest-running independent movie theater (since 1909), has never abandoned its mission of showing practically everything that can be projected.
By now you will have probably heard about the racy lesbian bedroom scene that is giving "Disobedience," a contemporary family drama from Chilean helmer Sebastian Lelio, its well-deserved online buzz.
Frameline has announced its first slate of programs, including Opening and Closing Night films and Centerpiece selections, for Frameline42, the San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival, set for June 14-24.
When I first saw Antonioni films as a young actress, I was spellbound by their beauty, intelligence, rigor, elegance, design, grasp, reach, generosity, compositions, and montage.
The new docudrama "Godard Mon Amour" (opens Friday) is, like many of the cinema artifacts associated with the now 87-year-old elder statesman of the 1960s French New Wave film school, a political-sexual-philosophical jigsaw puzzle.
Ferenc Torok begins "1945," his "High Noon"-style adaptation of Hungarian author Gabor T. Szanto's short story "Homecoming," with the sight of a huge steam locomotive belching its way into the station of a tiny village.