
Online Extra: Sanders suspends presidential bid

Online Extra: Sanders suspends presidential bid

Senator Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday, April 8, according to multiple media outlets.

Political Notebook: Fall calendar fills with postponed LGBT events

Political Notebook: Fall calendar fills with postponed LGBT events

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Apr 1, 2020

The fall calendar this year is shaping up to be an especially busy time for LGBT donors and nonprofits.

Political Notebook: LGBT leaders adjust to new virtual world

Political Notebook: LGBT leaders adjust to new virtual world

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 25, 2020

Being social is baked into the job description for local politicians, who in addition to attending numerous meetings have a full calendar of civic engagements, neighborhood events, and constituent outreach.

Online Extra: Political Notes: Alameda Dem Party to elect new chair

Online Extra: Political Notes: Alameda Dem Party to elect new chair

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 20, 2020

In a stunning rout in the race for seats on the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, just one person among the top 10 executive leaders overseeing the East Bay Democratic Party won their bid for reelection on the March 3 primary ballot.

Political Notebook: CA LGBTQ legislative group set to make historic gains

Political Notebook: CA LGBTQ legislative group set to make historic gains

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 18, 2020

Based on the outcomes of the state Assembly and Senate March 3 primary races, California's Legislative LGBTQ Caucus is set to make historic gains come the November election.

Political Notebook: In a 1st, SF trans women win local party posts

Political Notebook: In a 1st, SF trans women win local party posts

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 12, 2020

Two transgender women for the first time have been elected to local party posts in San Francisco.

UPDATED: Online Extra: Gay Sacto councilman Hansen concedes in reelection race

UPDATED: Online Extra: Gay Sacto councilman Hansen concedes in reelection race

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 10, 2020

After county elections officials posted an updated tally Tuesday afternoon, gay Sacramento City Councilman Steve Hansen conceded that he had lost his bid for election to a third term as the new vote count showed he had fallen further behind his opponent.

Online Extra: Political Notes: Sacramento City Councilman Hansen remains in 2nd place

Online Extra: Political Notes: Sacramento City Councilman Hansen remains in 2nd place

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 6, 2020

After county elections officials posted an updated tally late Friday afternoon, gay Sacramento City Councilman Steve Hansen remains in second place in his bid for election to a third term.

Election 2020: Out attorneys head to runoff in E. Bay judge race

Election 2020: Out attorneys head to runoff in E. Bay judge race

The number of LGBT judges in California will increase by at least one next year as Alameda County will gain a gay or lesbian judge.

Election 2020: San Diego poised to elect gay mayor

Election 2020: San Diego poised to elect gay mayor

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 4, 2020

San Diego is poised to elect the first LGBT mayor of one of the Golden State's largest cities this November after the commanding finish by gay state Assemblyman Todd Gloria in Tuesday's mayoral primary.

Election 2020: SF props head to victory; CA school bond measure fails

Election 2020: SF props head to victory; CA school bond measure fails

San Francisco voters liked the citywide propositions on the March 3 primary election ballot, and it looks like most, if not all of them, will pass.

Political Notebook: Pelosi to face Democratic challenger in November

Political Notebook: Pelosi to face Democratic challenger in November

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • Mar 4, 2020

For the first time since she was elected to Congress in 1987, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) will face a progressive Democratic challenger in November for her 12th Congressional District seat.

Election 2020: Apparent progressive sweep in SF judicial races

Election 2020: Apparent progressive sweep in SF judicial races

Progressive candidates are leading in the races for three open judicial seats on the San Francisco Superior Court that were on the March 3 primary ballot, but at least one race has a close margin as election-watchers await more results.

Election 2020: Sanders wins CA; Biden has big night

Election 2020: Sanders wins CA; Biden has big night

Senator Bernie Sanders won delegate-rich California March 3, but former vice president Joseph R. Biden Jr., one of the last moderates standing, scored a political comeback with victories in multiple states, including Texas.