The online National Women's History Museum describes Betty Friedan as "co-founder of the National Organization for Women" and "one of the early leaders of the women's rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s."
Folks in Texas often have their own way of doing things, even when it comes to keeping track of history. And in Dallas' LGBTQ community that means preserving their history "The Dallas Way."
Across California are hundreds of sites designated as official state historical landmarks, from the homes of prominent individuals and locations of important businesses to religious structures and arts institutions.
For nearly a decade LGBTQ advocates have been calling on the U.S. Postal Service to issue a stamp honoring the deceased gay Black civil rights leader Bayard Rustin.
San Francisco supervisors are facing calls to reject a mayoral appointee to the city's Historic Preservation Commission over questions about her qualifications to serve in a seat designated for a historian.
Former President Jimmy Carter's closest connection to the San Francisco Bay Area may have been his nephew, William Carter Spann, who called himself the "Bad Peanut."
Today drag queen storybook readings for children have been opportunistically subverted by the far right using an old and recurring slur that it is a ruse used by pedophiles to "groom" children for abuse.