A new digital exhibit at the Stonewall National Museum and Archives, "In Plain Sight," offers website visitors a digital timeline of LGBTQ achievements — including 800 entries across 10 categories.
In the final days before his execution in July 1943 at the hands of the Nazis, Willem Arondeus asked his lawyer for one last request: to spread a message after he was gone.
Silicon Valley's LGBTQ community and others will be able to take a trip back in time this Pride weekend with a new historical exhibit about the region's history.
The Bay Area Reporter first mentioned what became HIV/AIDS about a month after the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's notice on June 5, 1981.
The final season of a podcast about the history of the LGBTQ rights movement will conclude with an episode about Stonewall that drops on June 28, the 52nd anniversary of the riots — and will precede a forthcoming podcast about Harry Britt.
With LGBTQ History Month underway, Castro neighborhood leaders are discussing how best to preserve the heritage of the city's most visible queer neighborhood.
June 30, 1986 was a broiling hot day in Washington, D.C. when the U.S. Supreme Court released the decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, a landmark sodomy decision.
When Spectrum, the undergraduate LGBTQ student group at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, launched in 1983 it became a resource not just those on campus but for queer people living in that part of the South.