Our strong choice is Clinton

  • by Jose Cisneros and Laura Spanjian
  • Wednesday January 30, 2008
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Recently, Senator Hillary Clinton addressed a question from a voter about the high incidence of depression and suicide among LGBT teens. She said:

"First number one, we've got to do everything we can to send a clear message that we value you. We value you as a person, you as a total person. And we want you to feel accepted and respected in your community. And you'll certainly have a president who feels that way."

Senator Clinton has shown time and again her commitment, respect and willingness to fight for our community. She is determined, hardworking and knows how to work with people, on all sides, to get things done. She is a fighter, she learns from her mistakes and she cares deeply about our country, public service, and our community.

She has marched with us, spoken at our dinners, knows and has worked with our leaders, and has backed our issues. This is why we are strongly supporting Hillary Clinton for president.

The Democrats have great candidates this election cycle. So why do we so strongly support Hillary?

Walks the talk

Senator Clinton has done more than anyone else to fight for what is fair. Her Senate record is unmatched, from being the lead champion of the Early Treatment for HIV Act, to being an original sponsor of hate crimes legislation, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and the Domestic Partnership Benefits Act.

It was her strategy, her sweat equity, and leadership that led the way in the Senate to defeat the latest attempt to pass a Federal Marriage Amendment. And just this month, she was the only candidate to declare her public opposition to the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment.

Strongly supports equality

As president, Clinton has pledged to end the divisive leadership of the past six years and ensure that all Americans in committed relationships have equal economic benefits and rights. She will work to end discrimination in adoption laws and ensure that Congress passes (and she signs) federal hate crimes legislation and an inclusive ENDA. She will also put an end to the failed policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." And she will continue her steadfast work to improve access to care and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.

The Company she keeps

There's an old saying that you can judge a person by the company she keeps. And that could not be more true of Clinton. Within the first month of announcing her candidacy, Clinton hired a full-time national director of LGBT outreach. And she has openly LGBT staffers in key national and California campaign positions.

With leadership from Representative Tammy Baldwin, Clinton created LGBT Americans for Hillary, her 125-member-plus national steering committee. Members include state Senators Sheila Kuehl and Christine Kehoe; the chair of the DNC's LGBT Caucus; war veterans; and key leaders in the transgender, African American and Latino communities.

Knows how to unite

Clinton truly knows how to unite people. In class=yshortcuts>New York, Clinton went from a favorability rating in the mid-30s to popularity now in the mid-60s. As the New York Times said in its recent endorsement, "We know that she is capable of both uniting and leading. We saw her going town by town through New York in 2000 ... She won over skeptical voters and then delivered on her promises."

Ready to lead on day one

Clinton's record is unmatched, but it's her experience and know-how that truly set her apart. She has immersed herself in complex policy issues and has the respect of numerous national and world leaders. As a country, we face huge challenges that need real and immediate solutions and an understanding of how government works to create change. Clinton can deliver on day one.

Will implement issues we care about

Clinton has the right priorities, and the ability to accomplish them – a plan to get us out of Iraq, a vision for a strong economy, a desire to roll up her sleeves and strengthen education, a deep knowledge of how to provide health care for all, a cutting edge environmental policy that can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and most importantly, equal treatment of all Americans.

It is our time. We have had too many difficult years of poor treatment, funding cuts and eroded civil rights. This is the decade we can see real change for our community. And Hillary Clinton is the one that will not only bring change, she will celebrate it with us.

Jose Cisneros is the treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco. Laura Spanjian is the treasurer of the San Francisco Democratic Party. Cisneros and Spanjian serve together as board members of Equality California and are members of LGBT Americans for Hillary.