According to author and academic Kathryn Bond Stockton, "gender is queer for everyone." When she says "queer" she doesn't mean only in the LGBTQIA+ sense — she means the dictionary definition: strange.
Out in the Bay proudly features a new queer podcast this week: "Stereotypes — Straight Talk from Queer Voices," produced and hosted by KALW and KQED colleague Christopher Beale, a former commercial radio personality.
The first-ever openly gay Supreme Court of California justice, Associate Justice Martin Jenkins, is not only the first openly LGBTQ justice on the high court, he's also only the third Black man ever to serve on it.
In a tribute to the late Ambassador James C. Hormel, on this week's Out in the Bay podcast and broadcast we bring you his story — in his own words and voice.
In his debut novel, Robert Jones Jr. describes the tragic romantic relationship between Samuel and Isaiah, two enslaved young men on a Mississippi cotton plantation in the early 1800s.
What's the role of a gay uncle? "The Guncle" suggests possibilities, dishing out lots of laughs as a guncle, his niece and nephew deal with deep past and present grief.
San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury was iconic in the late 1960s and early 1970s as the center of the anti-Vietnam War and sexual revolution counterculture.
Quick — what's your sexuality? Most of us know roughly where we fall on the Kinsey scale that goes from zero (totally straight) to six (flaming queen or butchest of dykes). But have you considered another continuum, the asexual — allosexual one?