Health :: HIV/AIDS

SF HIV advocates to press funding request at City Hall

SF HIV advocates to press funding request at City Hall

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 31, 2023

As budget negotiations heat up in the coming weeks, San Francisco HIV advocates will be marching on City Hall June 5 to press their case for a variety of funding needs.

New HIV cases decline, CDC report says

New HIV cases decline, CDC report says

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • May 24, 2023

Annual new HIV infections in the U.S. fell by 12% in recent years, with the greatest declines seen among young gay and bisexual men and people in the South, according to the latest HIV surveillance report from the CDC.

HIV confab highlights SF research

HIV confab highlights SF research

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Mar 16, 2023

The recent Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections featured the work of San Francisco experts, including studies of long-acting injectable HIV treatment and antibiotics to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

LGBTQ Agenda: 22 AGs ask CDC to make new PrEP billing code to avoid erroneous copays

LGBTQ Agenda: 22 AGs ask CDC to make new PrEP billing code to avoid erroneous copays

  • by John Ferrannini
  • Mar 14, 2023

Attorneys general from 21 states, including California, and the District of Columbia, signed on to a letter to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention committee asking it to create a new diagnostic code for PrEP to ensure clear billing.

SFGH's Ward 86 commemorates 40 years

SFGH's Ward 86 commemorates 40 years

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Feb 1, 2023

Ward 86, the first dedicated HIV clinic in the United States, recently marked its 40th anniversary with a commemoration at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.

FDA draft would allow monogamous gay and bisexual men to donate blood

FDA draft would allow monogamous gay and bisexual men to donate blood

  • by John Ferrannini
  • Jan 27, 2023

The United States Food and Drug Administration released a draft of new blood donation guidance Friday that would allow gay and bisexual men in sexually monogamous relationships to donate blood — but not if they are on PrEP.

Another HIV vaccine fails in large study

Another HIV vaccine fails in large study

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Jan 19, 2023

Another large trial has been halted after Johnson & Johnson's experimental HIV vaccine failed to prevent infection, according to a January 18 announcement from the National Institutes of Health.

Jones honored at World AIDS Day event

Jones honored at World AIDS Day event

  • by by David-Elijah Nahmod
  • Dec 7, 2022

The rain didn't stop a crowd of more than 200 people from attending the National AIDS Memorial Grove's annual World AIDS Day observance in Golden Gate Park December 1, an event that saw AIDS Memorial Quilt co-founder Cleve Jones honored.

Fight the power: Ron Goldberg's 'Boy With the Bullhorn'

Fight the power: Ron Goldberg's 'Boy With the Bullhorn'

  • by Jim Piechota
  • Nov 26, 2022

In this new memoir, activist Ron Goldberg candidly and dramatically shares his experiences on the front lines of the ACT UP AIDS protest movements in New York City three and a half decades ago.

Moody blues: Stephan Ferris' 'Blue Movie: Scenes from the Life of a Sexual Outlaw'

Moody blues: Stephan Ferris' 'Blue Movie: Scenes from the Life of a Sexual Outlaw'

  • by Jim Piechota
  • Oct 14, 2022

Former gay porn actor Stephan Ferris's debut memoir that chronicles his life in 77 unflinching and graphically depicted scenes. Ferris (aka Blue Bailey) considers the experiences that shaped his early years as "dangerous and potentially deadly."

Taking doxycycline after sex reduces STI risk, study finds

Taking doxycycline after sex reduces STI risk, study finds

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Sep 30, 2022

Taking the antibiotic doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) after sex can lower the risk of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis, according to a study presented at the recent International AIDS Conference in Montreal.

In a 1st, gay & bi men account for less than half of new SF HIV cases

In a 1st, gay & bi men account for less than half of new SF HIV cases

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Sep 13, 2022

For the first time, gay and bisexual men who don't inject drugs accounted for less than half of new HIV cases in San Francisco last year.

'A Quilt for David' - Steven Reigns' true crime poetry

'A Quilt for David' - Steven Reigns' true crime poetry

  • by Jim Gladstone
  • Jul 19, 2022

Steven Reigns, a Los Angeles-based writer who was the first official Poet Laureate of West Hollywood, blends literary genres to stunning effect in his spare and powerful new work, "A Quilt for David."

Going viral: microbiologist Joseph Osmundson's 'Virology'

Going viral: microbiologist Joseph Osmundson's 'Virology'

  • by Mark William Norby
  • May 31, 2022

Joseph Osmundson's new book establishes itself as a unique and singular archive of COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, queer theory, sociopolitical criticism, and a record of the viruses that are present in our guts, on our skin, and in our blood.