
Political Notes: Ahead of SF event, LPAC endorses Bay Area candidates

Political Notes: Ahead of SF event, LPAC endorses Bay Area candidates

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 20, 2024

Ahead of hosting a fundraiser in San Francisco in early June, LPAC has endorsed two more out female Bay Area candidates running in the November 5 election.

Pelosi HIV money doesn't necessarily fix SF's federal funding shortfall

Pelosi HIV money doesn't necessarily fix SF's federal funding shortfall

  • by John Ferrannini
  • May 16, 2024

Though Congressmember Nancy Pelosi announced $1.6 million in new federal funding for San Francisco from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to reduce infections, that doesn't mean the city isn't still facing an HIV funding shortfall from the feds.

Low secures CA Democratic Party endorsement in US House race

Low secures CA Democratic Party endorsement in US House race

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 15, 2024

Weeks after surviving a recount of his primary race for a U.S. House seat, gay Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Cupertino) has won the California Democratic Party's endorsement of his candidacy.

Political Notebook: In addition to hope, Milk's other mantra was, 'You've gotta vote!'

Political Notebook: In addition to hope, Milk's other mantra was, 'You've gotta vote!'

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 15, 2024

Over the decades the late gay San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk has become well known for his line, "You've gotta give 'em hope." Less famously, Milk's other mantra was, "You've gotta vote!"

Nonprofits serving LGBTQ youth reckon with potential cuts as budget season looms

Nonprofits serving LGBTQ youth reckon with potential cuts as budget season looms

  • by John Ferrannini
  • May 15, 2024

Three San Francisco nonprofits with large LGBTQ youth client bases shared with the Bay Area Reporter that they are facing budget cuts they characterize as devastating.

Political Notes: Gay Tracy councilman Arriola mounts 2nd mayoral bid

Political Notes: Gay Tracy councilman Arriola mounts 2nd mayoral bid

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 13, 2024

Four years after falling short in his bid to be his city's mayor, gay Tracy City Councilmember Dan Tavares Arriola is again seeking election as leader of the San Joaquin County town he has called home for the majority of his life.

Mayor's office: 'Too early to tell' if city will backfill expected federal HIV cuts

Mayor's office: 'Too early to tell' if city will backfill expected federal HIV cuts

A spokesperson for Mayor London Breed said May 8 that it's "too early to tell" whether her proposed budget will backfill an expected $500,000-$800,000 shortfall in HIV funding from the federal government.

SF mayor Breed stumps for 2nd term during Castro stop

SF mayor Breed stumps for 2nd term during Castro stop

San Francisco Mayor London Breed told the Bay Area Reporter May 3 that she never intended to pit the Harvey Milk Plaza renovation project against San Francisco City Clinic in deciding what to fund in a bond measure.

San Francisco committee adopts mayoral bond measure plan

San Francisco committee adopts mayoral bond measure plan

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 6, 2024

An oversight committee stacked with city administrators has given its stamp of approval to a bond measure San Francisco Mayor London Breed wants to put before voters in November.

Political Notes: Takano pushes for LGBTQ veterans commission

Political Notes: Takano pushes for LGBTQ veterans commission

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 6, 2024

Gay Congressmember Mark Takano (D-Riverside) continues to push for a federal commission that will look into the experiences of LGBTQ servicemembers who enlisted in the military when its homophobic "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was in place.

Political Notebook: Gay men launch SF bids for BART, City College board seats

Political Notebook: Gay men launch SF bids for BART, City College board seats

  • by Matthew S. Bajko
  • May 4, 2024

Gay men have launched bids for seats on the boards overseeing the regional transit agency BART and City College of San Francisco that will appear on the November 5 ballot, with a third expected to also seek the BART seat.

In sophomore year, SF Supervisor Dorsey talks new police staffing proposals, recovery as the 'new closet'

In sophomore year, SF Supervisor Dorsey talks new police staffing proposals, recovery as the 'new closet'

With his initial proposal hitting a political roadblock earlier this year, gay District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey is working on a new charter amendment to bolster staffing levels at the San Francisco Police Department.

Judy Shepard, Pelosi lead list of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients

Judy Shepard, Pelosi lead list of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients

The mother of a slain gay college student and the first female speaker of the U.S. House will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, President Joe Biden announced Friday, May 3, the day of the ceremony.

Mahogany tapped to lead SF trans initiatives office

Mahogany tapped to lead SF trans initiatives office

A trans person who was once passed over by Mayor London Breed for an open supervisor seat will now join her administration as leader of the San Francisco Office of Transgender Initiatives.