
Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

A reader is disappointed that the Historic Preservation Commission postponed its vote on expanding landmarking for the Castro Theatre.

Editorial: SF's unhoused addicted people need help

Editorial: SF's unhoused addicted people need help

It's distressing that Mayor London Breed and San Francisco officials closed the Tenderloin Center just as the cold weather is setting in and people who are already unhoused and struggling with substance and/or mental health issues have nowhere to turn.

Guest Opinion: SF trans immigrant summit a great first step

Guest Opinion: SF trans immigrant summit a great first step

Last month, San Francisco Mayor London Breed issued a proclamation recognizing November 18 as Transgender Immigrants Day.

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

A reader is pleased with Supervisor-elect Joel Engardio's win in District 4.

Editorial: Pelosi's lasting legacy

Editorial: Pelosi's lasting legacy

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Nov 30, 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's recent announcement that she would step down from the Democratic House leadership when the new Congress begins in January was not unexpected.

Guest Opinion: Changing the pattern for a future without AIDS

Guest Opinion: Changing the pattern for a future without AIDS

As our community comes together this World AIDS Day, it's hard not to look around and see who's missing — our friends, lovers, and family we've lost over four decades of this horrific, cruel disease.

Editorial: We are angry and grieving

Editorial: We are angry and grieving

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Nov 22, 2022

We are angry and grieving after another senseless mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub — a venue that is supposed to be a safe space where we can be ourselves with our queer and allied friends, family, and lovers.

Guest Opinion: New governor's council is state's latest step to stop hate

Guest Opinion: New governor's council is state's latest step to stop hate

Every year, at the beginning of Pride Month, we put on our parkas and wool caps and head up to Twin Peaks to light the incredible pink triangle installation.

Editorial: Newsom should pardon Salesh Prasad

Editorial: Newsom should pardon Salesh Prasad

  • by BAR Editorial Board
  • Nov 16, 2022

Governor Gavin Newsom should immediately issue a pardon for Salesh Prasad, a queer man who's been in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention for many months.

Guest Opinion: Born and becoming

Guest Opinion: Born and becoming

[Growing up], I didn't feel connected to womanhood any more than I felt connected to the car my mom drove to ferry me to and from school while I played my genuinely terrible mix CDs for her.

Editorial: Stop snubbing Sarria

Editorial: Stop snubbing Sarria

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom and first partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom announced the latest list of honorees for the California Hall of Fame and, once again, a deserving LGBTQ person was omitted.

Guest Opinion: Florida's ban on gender-affirming care is dangerous for us all

Guest Opinion: Florida's ban on gender-affirming care is dangerous for us all

Our nation's political landscape is frightening, to say the least. Every day, I read new headlines about political extremists who are attacking the rights of LGBTQ+ people in school, at work, and in the doctor's office.

Asian Americans lead the fight against hate crimes in California

Asian Americans lead the fight against hate crimes in California

  • by Michael Yamashita | NewsIsOut.com
  • Nov 8, 2022

In September, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law two bills that address the unprecedented number of bias incidents and hate crimes in the state.

Anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander hate crimes affect LGBTQ+ people too

Anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander hate crimes affect LGBTQ+ people too

  • by Michael Yamashita | NewsIsOut.com
  • Nov 8, 2022

Another virus has been spreading throughout our country since former President Donald Trump racialized the coronavirus by repeatedly calling it the "China virus" or "kung flu:" Hate.