Arts & Culture :: DVD-Streaming

Ammonite's allure: Francis Lee's sapphic follow-up film

Ammonite's allure: Francis Lee's sapphic follow-up film

  • by Brian Bromberger
  • Nov 23, 2020

Following the success of his debut feature, 'God's Own Country,' writer/director Francis Lee's 'Ammonite' is definitely worth watching, primarily for the incandescent performances from Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan.

Big Shows: The Lavender Tube on Big Sky, Candyland, Grey's Anatomy and more

Big Shows: The Lavender Tube on Big Sky, Candyland, Grey's Anatomy and more

  • by Victoria A. Brownworth
  • Nov 18, 2020

The new ABC thriller 'Big Sky' features a trans charactcer, 'Candyland' offers sweet silliness, 'Grey's Anatomy' confronts COVID-19, and more in our television column.

Good as Golding: an interview with 'Monsoon' actor Henry Golding

Good as Golding: an interview with 'Monsoon' actor Henry Golding

  • by Gregg Shapiro
  • Nov 17, 2020

Actor and straight ally Henry Golding has become one of the most recognizable names and faces on film. In his latest independent feature, 'Monsoon' he plays a gay man returning to Vietnam.

Forever Amber: queer rom-com's cute and complicated

Forever Amber: queer rom-com's cute and complicated

  • by Gregg Shapiro
  • Nov 17, 2020

Gay filmmaker David Freyne gets personal with his Ireland-set queer rom-com 'Dating Amber.' Set in 1995, two students at a Catholic high school —Eddie, who's gay, and Amber, who's a lesbian— decide to 'date' each other.

Mother dearest: 'Stage Mother's familiar tropes

Mother dearest: 'Stage Mother's familiar tropes

  • by Gregg Shapiro
  • Nov 10, 2020

There's so much familiar territory visited in gay writer/director Thom Fitzgerald's 'Stage Mother' that watching it conjures feelings of déjà vu.

French twists: Gay rights movements and dance moves in 'Proud' and 'Bare'

French twists: Gay rights movements and dance moves in 'Proud' and 'Bare'

  • by Brian Bromberger
  • Nov 10, 2020

'Proud' portrays the evolution of a family over three decades, using important gay rights decisions in France as markers for significant events in the character's lives. 'Bare' documents an all-male nude dance created by Thierry Smits in 2016.

The Lawyer: Lithuanian love story

The Lawyer: Lithuanian love story

  • by David-Elijah Nahmod
  • Nov 3, 2020

Gay activist and filmmaker Romas Zabarauskas discusses his third film, the intense and passionate 'The Lawyer,' about a bisexual Syrian refugee and his legal advocate.

Political Flix: Election films to engage and enrage

Political Flix: Election films to engage and enrage

  • by Jim Provenzano
  • Nov 1, 2020

While you're waiting for the real election results, which could takes days (or longer), take a gander at some election films. From fictional to biographical, comedic and dramatic to darkly satiric, here's our Dem vs. Repub baker's dozen of movie choices.

Halloween horrors with a queer twist

Halloween horrors with a queer twist

  • by David-Elijah Nahmod
  • Oct 27, 2020

In the mood for something spooky? Here are some movies (and a book) you can watch to enhance your Halloween season. All titles have a decidedly queer twist.

Plot for Teacher: Hugh Jackman's school corruption flick gets an A+

Plot for Teacher: Hugh Jackman's school corruption flick gets an A+

  • by Brian Bromberger
  • Oct 6, 2020

Based on a true story, 'Bad Education,' the school financial corruption scandal tale, embodies our current political and social condition all too well. The acting and direction make it one of the finest movies of the year.

Tom Dolby: making art and 'The Artist's Wife'

Tom Dolby: making art and 'The Artist's Wife'

  • by Gregg Shapiro
  • Oct 6, 2020

'The Artist's Wife''s gay writer/director Tom Dolby discusses his new film, as well as his collaborative process in making them.

'Skin' doc bares it all

'Skin' doc bares it all

  • by David-Elijah Nahmod
  • Sep 29, 2020

"If I hadn't done nudity, I might not have a career today," actress Shannon Elizabeth says in Danny Wolf's new documentary, 'Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies.' The two-hour-plus film covers a lot of ground.

B.A.R. launches memberships

B.A.R. launches memberships

  • by Cynthia Laird
  • Sep 18, 2020

In a continuing effort to receive support from readers, the Bay Area Reporter has launched its membership program.

Frameline features, part II: queer cinema's maturity, complexity

Frameline features, part II: queer cinema's maturity, complexity

  • by Brian Bromberger
  • Sep 15, 2020

Having watched Frameline44's new roster of narrative features, what becomes increasingly evident is that queer cinema is maturing by bravely dealing with often taboo topics in inventive ways, creating thoughtful, even provocative movie-going experiences.