Letters to the editor

  • by BAR staff
  • Wednesday June 27, 2018
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Glide is under threat

Glide Memorial Church, the congregation that embraced me after I was publicly humiliated by the Church of Christ for being gay, is under threat by its more conservative United Methodist denomination.

Not only did Glide embrace me as a proud gay man, the church also empowered me as a program director to serve over 6 million meals to the poor and homeless; serve 75,000 holiday meals and give away 35,000 grocery bags to the poor under my leadership. Many of these people were queer.

But the denomination seems to believe there is not enough "church" at the church. I guess the Methodists would rather that the pews be empty and that people like me be worthless, shamed, and go to hell - than feed the poor, live vibrantly, and love people.

I'm confident that if Jesus were here today, he would be hanging out with people like me in the San Francisco Tenderloin, not with the self righteous, finely robed leadership of the spiritless, arrogant, and backwards United Methodist denomination.

Calvin Lavan Gipson, Denver, Colorado

Former Director, Glide Daily Free Meals Program

Former President, SF Pride Parade and Celebration

Stereotype seen in PrEP campaign

In a recent article, an agency that caters to Bay Area Latinos announced a promotion targeting our community and the PrEP treatment ["New campaign promotes PrEP for Latinos," June 7].

One of the ads portrays two handsome young men wearing Mexican hats, which is part of that great country's heritage.

But not all Latinos wear that kind of sombrero, much less the Mexican gays who live here. Perhaps for a party, Carnaval, or a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

What was the organization that published this campaign thinking? Did Gilead, the maker of Truvada PrEP, have anything to say?

Are white men presented wearing a cowboy hat? Or green fatigues?

This is a stereotype and it is ridiculous.


Jorge Rodriguez Sanabria

San Francisco