Night Ministry turns 50
The article on Night Ministry was excellent giving its history and the great work they do ["SF Night Ministry marks 50 years," November 13]. My only concern is that you could mislead possible donors. They are still tax-exempt, they are simply working out the mistakes that were made. Their exemption has not been removed.
Father River Sims
San Francisco
[Editor's Note: As the article stated, the Night Ministry is working to correct problems related to not filing nonprofit tax documents. While the government's website stated, as of last week, that the Night Ministry's tax-exempt status has been revoked, Night Ministry staff told us that is not accurate, that it is working with the Internal Revenue Service, and donations remain tax-exempt.]
On to the mayor's race
On behalf of the Michael Petrelis for Supervisor campaign team, I'd like to extend a word of thanks to the 2,004 voters who cast their ballots for my partner and the many people who donated money and time to the campaign.
I would like to also acknowledge the extensive coverage in the Bay Area Reporter of the District 8 race, which was very balanced, fair, and appreciated.
In an election year where the Chronicle , Examiner, and Bay Guardian all ignored our district's race, the importance and relevance of the B.A.R. was reinforced.
We look forward to more valuable reporting when Petrelis runs for mayor in 2015.
Michael E. Merrigan
San Francisco