1955 — 2022
Douglas (Doug) Anderson (1955-2022) died peacefully June 1, 2022, a patient at Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, while being followed by Palliative Care. Doug was one of the longest-surviving patients of the Positive Care Clinic there. Over the past few years he began suffering with ambulatory issues, osteoarthritis, bone loss, and eventually could not walk and was confined to a wheelchair.
Doug was born in Minneapolis and, after graduating high school, attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. In 1977 he earned a double major in English literature and political science, graduating with honors. He began his career working in the transportation, logistics and trucking industry. On vacation in 1996 in the Bay Area after brief stints in Moss Landing, California; Atlanta; and Iowa, Doug met his friend and partner, Tom, and never left. He enjoyed conversing with friends, was very well-opinionated, and stood for social equality and freedom of thought and religion.
There will be a memorial service honoring Mr. Anderson Sunday, July 17, at 1 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Cross, 1744 University Avenue in Berkeley. All friends and relatives are invited. Please e-mail Tom with questions or for last minute changes to: [email protected]
All bereavement gifts should be donated to the Positive Care Clinic at Stanford University.
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