Rommel Aganon

  • Wednesday December 9, 2009
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April 17, 1970 �" November 30, 2009

Our friend and co-worker, Rommel Aganon, 39, died suddenly on November 30, 2009 in San Francisco, California of a staph infection in his blood. Rommel was born in The Philippines on April 17, 2970 and moved to California with his family in the 1980s. After graduating from Lowell High School in San Francisco in 1988, he studied molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley where he got his bachelors degree in 1992. With an interest in finance and energy he took a job with Pacific Gas Transmission in Portland, Oregon where he worked until 1996 when he moved to Arizona to attend the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

After getting his MBA in 1998 Rommel moved to Houston, Texas where he worked in the world of finance for both Enron and Reliant Energy. From 2004 to 2006 Rommel lived in Detroit, Michigan working for ACN Energy. Finally in 2006 Rommel came back to the San Francisco he loved so much to work as the Debt Manager for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Preceded in death by his father, Rommel is survived by his mother, his brother and two sisters and a multitude of friends from all around the country and especially in the Bay Area where he touched so many. Funeral and burial was in Vallejo on December 8, 2009.

We loved Rommel. He was silly and ridiculous, and sweet, and mean, and catty and wonderful and one of the best dressers we knew. He made us up our game in the fashion and shit-taking arenas. He made us laugh every workday and we will miss coming into his office and closing the door to talk about everything and nothing. We will miss him so much.