July 11, 1944 �" October 18, 2016
After being raised in Oklahoma and Fresno, California, and graduating from Fresno State College in the mid-1960s, Alan moved to San Francisco. He loved living here, and participated fully in the life of the city. One of his many clever remarks was that San Francisco was "the best finishing school." His corporate career was being an executive secretary at Chevron, followed by the same position at the Bank of America. His interests were many and varied, focused on the entertainment industry, about which he had considerable expertise. He had a remarkable collection of movie and stage memorabilia, and had an encyclopedic knowledge of this area.
He loved to travel and had been an exchange student, living in England. That experience turned him into an Anglophile of the first rank. His later trip to Argentina with friends was a highlight of his life. He loved to celebrate life, especially Christmas, decorating and entertaining lavishly for the holiday season. His Christmas teas were legendary.
Alan moved to Mounds, Oklahoma, in 2014 to be near relatives. He was a cheerful presence at the Twin Peaks bar and will be missed by his wide circle of friends. He is survived by his Aunt Jean, in Mounds, Oklahoma, and two cousins.