Glenn Beardsley

  • Thursday August 24, 2006
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April 25 1944 — August 10 2006

Glenn passed from this life, at his home, after a lengthy battle with cancer. He moved to San Francisco from Chicago in 1976, and began work in the telecommunications industry, at Pacific Bell, Bank of America, and finally as Tel-Com Manager for a large nation-wide law firm.

He was a proud member of the Gay Men's Chorus in the '80s.

He is survived by his mother Eloise, his brother Walter and his wife, and their two daughters, all of the Seattle Area, and his wonderfully spirited cat ROZ. Glenn also leaves a large extended family in the Bay Area, whose members will miss him very deeply.

Thanks to his dear friends who were there for him, day in and day out.

His ashes will be interred at sea.

A memorial will be held Thursday afternoon, August 24, from 3-5 p.m. at The San Francisco Columbarium.

In lieu of flowers, Glenn requested that donations be made to the SFSPCA or The American Cancer Society.

Sleep well, Dear Man. You were an inspiration and joy to all who knew you.