Women's Wave hits Oakland

  • by BAR staff
  • Wednesday January 23, 2019
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Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland
Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland

A crowd of more than 15,000 people took to the streets in Oakland Saturday, January 19, for the third annual Women's March. This year, people, including, from left, Terea Macomber, Molly Tafoya, and Sarah Fischbach celebrated the Women's Wave that saw record numbers of women elected to office during last year's midterm elections. Women's March organizers said in a statement that this year they plan to partner with local organizations to engage and register voters from underrepresented communities, participate in the Alameda County 2020 Census Subcommittee to help maximize the count of underrepresented groups, and host an activist conference. For more information, visit www.womensmarchoakland.org. Women's Marches were also held in San Francisco, San Jose, and hundreds of other cities.

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