The golden mean is a term that's all about balance, and it comes from Ancient Greek philosophy. Aristotle was the one who stated that the best way to go about life is to avoid any extremities, such as working too much or not working at all. He called this middle ground between excess and deficiency the golden mean, hence the term we use today. Keep reading to get some useful tips on finding the perfect proportion of rest and study to boost your productivity and well-being.
Setting long- and short-term goals
If you want to find your golden mean of rest and study, the first thing to know is that everyone's physical limits are unique. That means that we all need to spend different amounts of time and energy completing specific tasks. If you're looking to optimize everything you do, here's how you can do it:
Identify your long-term goals. They can be about something you want to achieve in several months or in a couple of years. For example, finishing your semester with high A's and B's only is a goal that takes several months to achieve. Once you've understood what you need in general, you can move on to the next stage.
Brainstorm and think about what you need to achieve your long-term goals. Identify the resources you require and think about the steps you need to complete. For example, if you need to pay for essay writing to get sample papers, how much will that cost? Will you be more efficient when learning from those examples? How much time will it take you to complete your paper with and without professional assistance? To answer these questions, you'll need to try different methods and figure out the best ones.
Set your short-term goals.Once you've completed all the previous stages, you'll have to create goals that match the steps you've identified during the brainstorming you did. Once you've created the list of the smaller objectives, you'll be able to see how you can achieve them and how they contribute to your long-term goals.
Prioritizing balance
You have probably heard about putting work or health first at least once. Each person has their own vision of what their most important tasks are, so it's only natural that we prioritize different things. However, you'll need to stick to the balance of both when you work towards the short- and long-term goals you've set for yourself.
The best way to achieve that balance is to identify the most productive schedule for yourself and stick to it. For example, try to take short breaks every 30 minutes when doing your homework. Your golden ratio can be about 5-minute breaks every half an hour or 10-minute pauses every hour. Once you've found the tempo at which you can learn comfortably, you can set specific hours for resting and doing something to relax.
For example, you can assign a few hours in the evening to your hobbies like reading, crocheting, or playing chess. If your hobbies involve physical activity, like playing football or going for runs, you can set time for this in the morning or do sports a few hours before you go to bed. That way, you can do your duties and also do something fun every day, without getting too tired.
Experimenting with new methods
There's always a possibility that even a perfect schedule won't work for you immediately. Our body needs time to adapt to a new lifestyle, even if changes don't seem too significant. If you ever feel stuck when trying to find your perfect balance between studies and rest, here's what you can try:
Find the best mnemonic techniques for yourself.If you feel like you can't remember any important information, you might want to try flashcards or creating notes that contain the essential facts. Another way to remember things is by reading and repeating them out loud or even creating small rhymes.
Try changing the way you do your homework.Let's imagine that you've got too tired from the noise your keyboard makes but you still have a few essays to complete. To waste no time, you can switch to writing an outline with a pen for a short while and then type out your essay based on those notes. Sometimes, even the tiniest changes can improve your productivity, so try to be attentive to your needs.
Don't forget to rest and stay hydrated.
Even if you're running late, it's better not to sacrifice your sleep and nutrition. Sometimes, a glass of water is what we lack to stay focused, and such basic things can influence all areas of our lives. That's only natural since you cannot really focus on anything if you're feeling irritated because you're hungry or exhausted.
Rely on yourself and analyze your state
The golden mean of rest and study is unique for every person, so it can be quite hard to find. That's why it's advisable to monitor the way you feel physically and mentally as you change your schedule and try new things. If anything you do makes you extremely uncomfortable, that's a sign that you should look for a different method or strategy.
Avoid overexerting yourself and trust what you feel. For example, 8 hours of sleep might make your head hurt but 7 hours and 30 minutes of rest during nighttime can be perfect for you. Good luck with finding your balance!