If you feel like supporting our San Francisco LGBT Community Center and all the great programs and safe spaces it offers, then come hang out in a straight bar to show the Center some love.
On Wednesday September 17, the Center's Board of Directors will be guest bartending at Soda Popinski's, a Nob Hill watering hole. Though a nice place to grab a drink, Soda Popinski's isn't known for its gay clientele.
Popinski's Olivia Ringo describes the bar as a "melting pot."
"We fully support all organizations, especially LGBT ones," she said in an interview. "We want to help give back to the community any way that we can."
Guest-bartending has become a tradition at the two-year-old Soda Popinski's, Ringo reports. "We do guest bartending events three nights a week," she said. "You and up to five friends or co-workers would get behind the bar in alternating shifts of two, and tend bar. During this time, all the cash and credit card tips you make will be donated to the organization you're representing."
LGBT Center Executive Director Rebecca Rolfe invites people to stop by, have fun, and support a good cause.
"Come out and join us at Soda Popinski's," she said. "Meet old and new friends and support a fabulous organization. We will be serving up cocktails and community, all to support the Center's programs, which help people get jobs, start businesses, and to access housing and healthcare."
"San Francisco is changing very quickly, " said Angel VanStark, the City's former Youth Commissioner. "Since I arrived, the only thing that has been constant has been the City's dedication to have as many people prosper as possible. One of the champions of that endeavor has been the LGBT Center. They do that by providing opportunities to marginalized LGBT people such as seniors in need of healthcare, unemployed trans people, and homeless youth."
VanStark can personally attest to how critical Center services can be. Once homeless, VanStark found permanent housing and employment with the Center's help.
The night of drinks, merriment and fundraising is being hosted and coordinated by LGBT Center Board member Kathryn Snyder.
"I've been on the Board about three years," Snyder said. "I'm incredibly dedicated as I believe in the Center's mission of connecting our community to people and resources, to improve and enrich their lives. I'm the Board's Social Chair. This is our second guest bartending event, the first one was at Tonic and was incredibly fun. This is really a way for us to connect with members in our community while raising funds for the Center."
Snyder offered a sampling of upcoming Center events which would greatly benefit from monies raised at the Soda Popinski's event, such as the September 28 Center Brunch, Economic Justice Week, which commences on October 19, and and the annual BOLD Awards on November 13. The BOLD Awards celebrate those who've helped to build a stronger, healthier LGBT community.
Olivia Ringo promises that attendees will have a blast at Soda Popinski's. "It's your classic friendly neighborhood bar equiped with N64," she said. "We also have a big game wheel filled with different prizes."
SF LGBT Center Guest-bartends at Soda Popinski's, Wednesday September 16, 6pm-9pm. 1548 California. 857-1548. www.sfcenter.org