Queer comic fans, rejoice. Alice In Leatherland, the new series by writer Iolanda Zanfardino and illustrator Elisa Romboli, follows a young woman's journey to San Francisco and its sexy subcultures.
In the multi-part story, a sheltered young woman finds her girlfriend has been cheating on her, so she moves to San Francisco to find love and find herself.
She gets a job in a sex-positive shop called Leatherland, where she discovers a new found family and a way to explore herself and her sexuality.
The comic book was created by real-life couple Iolanda Zanfardino (writer) and Elisa Romboli (artist), and was inspired by Iolanda's experiences as a young woman in San Francisco. (The fictitious Leatherland is actually inspired by Good Vibrations on Valencia).
Charmingly defiant, she leaves her small forest town and leaps into a new adventure to seek love -and find herself- in the fast life of San Francisco.
Alice's concept of pure, magical love will be completely overturned as her biggest challenge won't be reckoning with other people's sexual drive, but getting a grip on her own.
Zanfardino and Romboli's collaboration lusters in color and monochromatic pages with fluid style.
As the creators describe the book: "Sex is recounted as a way to investigate our relationship with ourselves and others, with our bodies and our place in the world; sexual pleasure as self-affirmation and growth. There is room for Love, too, and bravery. And for many good laughs, that never hurts."
Order copies at blackmaskstudios.com