This past weekend was the annual Leather Alliance Weekend event, highlighted by the Mr. SF Leather 2013 contest. The ballroom at the Hotel Whitcomb was standing room only as five exceptional contestants vied for Mr. SF Leather 2013: Scott "Red Dog" Farrell (Legion of Sin Motorcycle Club), Tony Hunter (Daddy's Barbershop), Patrick Holstine-Vargas (Mr. Edge 2013), Marcus Alston (SF Eagle), and Andy Cross (Mr. Powerhouse 2013).

This was a tough one. One judge commented afterwards: "If these men competed in any other year, they each would have gone on to IML [International Mr. Leather]." That's really saying something. I was rooting for all of them, because after meeting them all, I found them to be poised, outgoing, and sexy. It ain't easy to parade one's ass up there (literally) in front of the entire community, no matter how narcissistic any of us think we are.
Highlights for me included Hunter's speech. He spoke honestly about how tough it is for "newbies" to find acceptance in the community, not just in San Francisco, but all over. Farrell proved himself to be clear and concise, with a voice that projected quite well. Cross' speech, while short, explained his journey finding his true self as a leather man. All of the men looked great with clothes that fit both their bodies and personalities. There was a lot of yellow up on that stage! I was impressed with Farrell proudly wearing his collar. I believe he's the first outwardly collared boy to compete for Mr. SF Leather since I did back in 2002.
The contest started just after 8 p.m., ending at 10:38. My feedback to the producers is to cut back on the chatter. At one point, it seemed as though everyone in the room was going to get up and talk. Spread it out rather than having a parade of speakers. The audience was antsy. The show began with Broadway and recording star Raquela singing the hell out of the National Anthem and giving us a sexy number featuring the contestants. After a quick contestant intro, the actual contest didn't get underway until 20 minutes later, with the contestant's speeches. Starting with something lighter would give the audience a chance to see the contestants' personalities before going into such a serious category.
The acknowledgment of the current titleholders in attendance is always nice, but I question bringing them on stage. It would be better to have them stand in the audience for a round of applause. They're wearing (or should be) their title vests/sashes, so it's not hard to find out who they are. Just what were the three bare chest calendar men doing up there? The calendar is not a Leather Title. In fact, there isn't anything "leather" or "kink" about the calendar aside from maybe the fact that you wear leather vests. I think that we just saw our three new Community Sash Queens!
Producer Ray Tilton, the Leather Alliance and everyone involved have much to be proud of. The contestants all rose to the occasion in each category: Speech, Leather Image, and Jock/Brief Wear (Pop Question). Freshmen emcees Lance Holman and Darren Bondy were amiable, following in the footsteps of Lenny Broberg and Donna Sachet. Broberg awarded the second annual Lenny Broberg Award to the deserving Holman.

After Mr. SF Leather 2012 Jessie Vanciel's 13-minute step-down speech, the tough assignment of judges Vanciel, Joe Gallagher (IML 1996), Troy Anicete (Mr. SF Leather 2003), Marlon Morales (Mr. LA Leather 2012), Nerine (Ms. SF Leather 2012), Werner Tillinger (Mr. SF Leather 1999), and Woody Woodruff (IML 2012) was over. Holstine-Vargas was awarded the Brotherhood Award (voted on by the contestants), Second Runner-Up went to Farrell, First Runner-Up to Hunger, with Cross named Mr. SF Leather 2013. Vanciel was an outgoing and well-respected Mr. SF Leather. Thank you, Jesse, and good luck, Andy!
All hail the Queen. The B.A.R.'s own Queen Cougar was roasted last Friday at the ARC, following a successful Contestant Meet & Greet at Mr. S Leather. Everyone in town was there to pay tribute and give her a gentle ribbing. It's tough to really roast someone who's such a great person. Even I was tongue-tied. We love you, Queen!
Eagle is open. The Eagle is now open! It opened at 6 p.m. this past Saturday evening. The first beer bust last Sunday had a line that stretched all the way back to Folsom St. They've done an amazing job of re-vamping it yet keeping its charm and history intact. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Thank you, Alex, Mick & Co., for stepping up and making this happen."