Take the 12th Annual CMI LGBTQ Survey

  • Monday April 16, 2018
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There's power in our Pride! Participating in this study helps open doors-and minds-around the world, and influences positive changes for our community. Previous surveys have yielded 45,000 respondents from 150 countries! You may have seen Community Marketing & Insights quoted in the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, etc.

Click below to start

2018 CMI Survey

It should take 10-12 minutes to complete.

Everyone who completes the survey by April 30th, 2018 may enter into an optional drawing to win one of twenty US $50 cash prizes, or if you win, you can designate a charity to receive the $50.

Please forward this message to LGBTQ friends around the world who may be interested in participating. And please post it to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. accounts!

Thanks very much for your participation.