In Robert Sokol's May 14, 2009 interview with the late Joan Rivers, the celebrated comedian talked of her career and threw in plenty of timely jokes, which were very much of that age.
The Bay Area Reporter's October 29, 2009 issue saved some space on page 1 for the news that then-President Barack Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. hate crimes bill into law.
In the second week of August, 2008, a beloved drag show reached its zenith, as host Heklina hosted the last weekly Trannyshack night at The Stud before exporting it to DNA Lounge and other larger venues.
2006 was a double-banner year for LGBT athletes. Two international sporting events were to take place that August; the seventh Gay Games in Chicago, and the upstart rival, the Montreal Outgames.
Heading up the arts features in our June 23, 2005 edition, Adam Sandel gets good quotes from comic actor Alec Mapa, who was a celebrity Grand Marshal at that year's Pride events.
You can't fault us for our enthusiastic coverage of Richard Greenberg's thought-provoking drama 'Take Me Out,' about a gay baseball player's decision to come out. Also, the play includes extensive male nudity in shower scenes.
Seventeen years before she was sworn as the first woman and first Black and first Asian American U.S. vice president, Kamala Harris was district attorney in San Francisco.
In the B.A.R.'s November 13 issue, John R. Killacky shares his experience in becoming disabled, and how using a wheelchair helped him gain more freedom than using a cane at age 51.
The March 7, 2002 front page of the Bay Area Reporter featured the grand opening of the Charles M. Holmes campus of the San Francisco LGBT Community Center.
Before and after 9/11, the Arts section's attitude seemed to be, "Keep Calm and carry on." The November 22 issue offers an overview of the arts highlights in a year stuck in amber by the catch phrase, "Never Forget," but one some would prefer to.
We'll leave the coverage of the contentious 2000 presidential election to our news editor and mention a sporty gay film, a snarky gay sports column, and leave it to Liza to give 2000 a bit of class.