In winning a full term on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, gay District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey has become the city's first HIV-positive elected supervisor.
With the Associated Press calling the California 41st Congressional District race for Congressmember Ken Calvert (R-Corona), and the incumbent declaring victory, Democrats are now raising money for a recount fund on behalf of gay candidate Will Rollins.
In Monterey County voters elected as their first lesbian and first Latina sheriff Tina Nieto, in the November 8 general election. Meanwhile, in the coastal city of Monterey, City Councilmember Tyller Williamson has become his city's first gay mayor.
In his still too close to call race for California's 41st Congressional District seat, gay former federal prosecutor Will Rollins has turned to what is known as "ballot curing" in his hunt for votes to put him into the winner's circle.
A panel that reviews gubernatorial judicial appointments has confirmed queer Alameda County Superior Court Judge Kelli Evans to the California Supreme Court.
It was a mixed bag for incumbents in races for the San Francisco Board of Education and the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees. On Monday, appointed incumbent Ann Hsu slipped to fourth place in the school board race.
Billions of dollars in federal matching funds for transportation and infrastructure projects in San Francisco likely will be available as Proposition L, a sales tax extension, was leading in early returns Tuesday night.
Two Oakland city councilmembers were leading in the ranked choice balloting for mayor, while the District 4 council race assures there will be queer representation on that body.
In the East Bay race for the open 20th Assembly District seat, gay Dublin City Councilmember Shawn Kumagai has lost his bid to become the first LGBTQ state legislator of Japanese descent.