What if using a credit card meant being deadnamed every time that you pulled it out. Due to defunct security practices at traditional banks, for most of the trans community that's reality.
As a 30-year resident of San Francisco — who is also a transgender woman — I was elated when I first saw, in 2017, that the city had designated an official and legally-recognized Transgender District, centered at Turk and Taylor streets.
While smoking rates have declined nationally in the past 20 years, this reduction has not been shared equally among Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities or the LGBTQ+ community — and especially among those with intersecting identities.
When I came out to my loved ones, they were worried I would get AIDS. When I came out to my best friend, she told me she knew a camp that could fix me.
In 1971, at the age of 17, I ventured (by myself) from my Long Island home to New York City to see my first live musical: Stephen Sondheim's "Company."
As the first trans bishop in a mainline Christian church since the council of Nicaea (325 CE), I am proud to be one of many trans individuals living faithfully in this world.
If elected, David Campos would be the first formerly undocumented, Latinx, and LGBTQ person to ever represent San Francisco in the California State Assembly.
The joy of LGBTQ History Month is the opportunity to share the unique and diverse hxstories and experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander LGBTQ individuals and communities.