Several factors, including discrimination, homelessness, and violence, help explain why transgender women have a higher risk for HIV, according to a report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Two national transgender rights groups are on track to merge later this year to create a new organization called Advocates for Trans Equality, according to a news release.
Lesbian U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler, during her first official community event in San Francisco as California's junior senator, met with youth leaders Saturday at the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco's Don Fisher Clubhouse near City Hall.
A Texas man has not heard back from the San Francisco Human Rights Commission after he complained that a Nextdoor reviewer used the term "sodomite" when replying to his post.
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from two attorneys aspiring to become federal appellate judges — including lesbian Nicole Berner who played a major role in an Israeli Supreme Court case that ruled a child can legally have two mothers.
LGBTQ legal activists expressed relief Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the appeal of a therapist who challenged Washington state's law prohibiting conversion therapy for minors.
Two changemakers from conservative parts of the country said that forging relationships across America's social and political divides is crucial to advancing the cause of LGBTQ equality.
Released ahead of World AIDS Day, HealthHIV's annual report on the state of HIV care in America found that the situation is improving but that workforce burnout and the effects of HIV criminalization are persistent challenges.
A campaign is underway in support of seeing a U.S. postage stamp be issued in honor of Matthew Shepard, the gay University of Wyoming college student whose death 25 years ago rocked the nation.
In a surprise move, a 6-3 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected Florida's request for a stay against a lower court decision that would have enabled the state to enforce its new law banning drag shows under certain circumstances.
With the entrance this week of a queer Washington state senator into an open House race in 2024, all three states along the West Coast could see the election of LGBTQ Congress members for the first time next year.