For more than a decade California's courts have been required to release sexual orientation and gender identity demographic data on judges in an effort to help diversify the bench.
There were times during the U.S. Supreme Court's oral argument in this session's highly significant LGBTQ case when some listeners might have thought they were hearing a modern day dramatic interpretation of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Salesh Prasad, a queer and bi man in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, was granted bond by an immigration judge December 5 after a 90-minute hearing at an immigration court in Van Nuys, California.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a case that could carry broad implications for whether and in which circumstances states may enforce certain nondiscrimination rules against purveyors of goods.
Justice Therese Stewart of San Francisco has broken through another pink judicial ceiling with her confirmation as the first lesbian presiding justice on a California appellate court.
The ordinary rights of LGBTQ people are on the line again at the U.S. Supreme Court with a case seeking to allow any business to deny service to a customer by claiming a personal objection to treating that that customer the same as others.
A panel that reviews gubernatorial judicial appointments has confirmed queer Alameda County Superior Court Judge Kelli Evans to the California Supreme Court.
Twelve years after the trial they were created to document, the video tape recordings of the 2010 federal trial over Proposition 8 will finally be made public.