News :: Commentary

Transmissions: The plight of the plastic potato

Transmissions: The plight of the plastic potato

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Mar 10, 2021

Members of the right have a problem. For the last four years they have been able to stay safely tucked behind the insanity of the Trump presidency, knowing that as long as they stay quiet and toe the line, they'll be in power.

Transmissions: Bravery

Transmissions: Bravery

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Feb 24, 2021

There often comes a time when a nonbinary or transgender person comes out that a friend of theirs will cast them as being inherently brave or courageous doing so.

Transmissions: Being or becoming

Transmissions: Being or becoming

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Feb 10, 2021

Like many, I watch more than my fair share of videos on YouTube, usually going between various cooking programs, music videos, and the occasional restoration video.

Transmissions: A chance at healing

Transmissions: A chance at healing

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Jan 27, 2021

A decade ago, I had a rare opportunity. Rushed onto a flight in the middle of the week, I made my way to Washington, D.C. I had been asked, quite at the last moment, to go to the White House to discuss transgender issues.

Transmissions: So be it

Transmissions: So be it

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Jan 13, 2021

Around 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 6, a mob of pro-Trump forces, QAnon believers, Proud Boys, and others assaulted the United States Capitol, whipped up into a frenzy by weeks of propaganda and a speech by outgoing President Donald Trump.

Transmissions: Looking ahead with respair

Transmissions: Looking ahead with respair

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Dec 29, 2020

We have reached the end of 2020, and I am sure my feelings about the year easily match anyone who happens upon this column. Good riddance to such a difficult year, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Transmissions: Not the other you thought we were

Transmissions: Not the other you thought we were

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Dec 16, 2020

Every so often I like to sit back and address my non-transgender readers, and help them understand trans issues, perhaps, just a bit better. This is one of those times.

Transmissions: One joke too many

Transmissions: One joke too many

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Dec 2, 2020

In the early 1980s, a friend of mine let me borrow a vinyl record of theirs: the "Original Motion Picture Soundtrack for Monty Python's Life of Brian."

Guest Opinion: Almost 40 years later, still no AIDS cure in sight

Guest Opinion: Almost 40 years later, still no AIDS cure in sight

  • by James May
  • Dec 1, 2020

As we observe another World AIDS Day December 1, I wish I could believe a cure was in sight but unfortunately I cannot.

Transmissions: TDOR 2020: A time to turn the tide

Transmissions: TDOR 2020: A time to turn the tide

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Nov 18, 2020

In the earliest days of the Remembering Our Dead project, which led to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, may of us shared a hope that by showing the astounding level of anti-transgender violence we face, perhaps we could begin to stem the tide.

Transmissions: Common clay

Transmissions: Common clay

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Nov 4, 2020

For better or worse, humans have a remarkable tendency to use myth, fables, and legends to help better understand the world around them.

Bay Area Cannasseur: Cooking gadget simplifies homemade cannabis edibles

Bay Area Cannasseur: Cooking gadget simplifies homemade cannabis edibles

  • by Sari Staver
  • Nov 4, 2020

A cooking gadget has revolutionized the preparation of homemade cannabis edibles.

Transmissions: The TransGriot has passed

Transmissions: The TransGriot has passed

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Oct 21, 2020

On October 5, Monica Roberts died at home in Houston.

Transmissions: Ginsburg, Barrett, and why this election matters

Transmissions: Ginsburg, Barrett, and why this election matters

  • by Gwendolyn Ann Smith
  • Oct 7, 2020

The presidency isn't just about the president.