There are, of course, bigger issues afoot. As I write this, we are days away from Donald Trump's second presidential inauguration, as well as a torrent of day one executive orders.
On December 22, as many may have been busy hanging garlands or wrapping gifts, President-elect Donald Trump took to the stage at Turning Point USA's AmericaFest 2024.
In my formative high school years, as I tried to figure out what my life was all about, one set of three novels proved to be pivotal: "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.
The loss of the presidential election has left many people shell-shocked, and rather than focusing on the much more pressing question — what do we do now — a lot of people have chosen to focus on trying to find someone to blame.
Typically, at this time of year, I would write about the Transgender Day of Remembrance and the dozens of transgender people who have been killed at the hand of anti-transgender violence.
Ballots are arriving for the 2024 presidential election, and this may be my last chance before you fill in that circle or punch out that chad that I can talk to you about your choice.
News Is Out, a collaboration of six LGBTQ+ media representing more than 250 collective years of experience covering the community, is launching the first Local LGBTQ+ Media Giving Day Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024 during LGBTQ History Month.