Being polite and having good manners will get you a long way in life. The same goes for kink. All manner of sexual outlaw creature might be great erotic fantasy, but even the most full-throttle players need to abide by standards of basic human decency.
The federal Food and Drug Administration October 3 approved a new daily PrEP pill that could offer a safer option for some individuals at risk for HIV, but the indication does not cover everyone who could potentially benefit from the prevention medication
in considering 'meaning' as a core need, I've reflected on all we do and are as LGBTQ kinksters. Puncture the veneer of the superficial armor of our displayed sexual proclivities; the most satisfying are founded upon a sense of meaning.
In this column, I'll share some insights from Justin Lehmiller, an esteemed Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute and author of the book 'Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire.'
The largest treatment-as-prevention study for gay and bisexual men confirms that people on antiretroviral therapy with undetectable viral load do not transmit HIV.
Gilead Sciences announced last week it will donate millions of free bottles of Truvada for PrEP to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but many AIDS activists say it is not enough.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention holds patents on the use of Truvada for HIV prevention, according to advocates, who want Gilead Sciences to pay future and retroactive royalties to make PrEP more widely available.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week approved Dovato, a two-drug combination pill that provides a complete once-daily antiretroviral regimen for people starting HIV treatment for the first time.
Recently, a young gay man messaged me, stating, "I've tried the leather scene. It's not for me." I asked why. He said, "It's not about sex anymore. It's not even about anything erotic anymore." Was he correct?
A bill to make it easier for people to access PrEP via their local pharmacy survived its first committee vote April 8 after California lawmakers amended it to restrict the supply of the HIV prevention medication to one month.
Our Bestie winner in Sex celebrate businesses that help you embrace your desires. We want you to embrace, engage with and utilize them while you still can.