BARtab :: Daytime

Santa Skivvies Run: memories & a 2020 revision

Santa Skivvies Run: memories & a 2020 revision

  • Dec 4, 2020

This year's Santa Skivvies Run, the SF AIDS Foundation's fun fundraiser, is an online Challenge, and you can still have fun on Dec. 13 (Sign up at Here's an album of Steven Underhill's best photos from past events.

B.A.R. launches memberships

B.A.R. launches memberships

  • by Cynthia Laird
  • Sep 18, 2020

In a continuing effort to receive support from readers, the Bay Area Reporter has launched its membership program.

A weekend in the Castro: businesses, re-opened

A weekend in the Castro: businesses, re-opened

  • by Jim Provenzano
  • Sep 14, 2020

Visitors to the Castro district on Sunday Sept. 13 enjoyed outdoor dining, drinks and shopping at local stores. Safety and health precautions were heeded as patrons enjoyed themselves while supporting local businesses.

Roma's Ristorante brings Italian taste to downtown SF

Roma's Ristorante brings Italian taste to downtown SF

  • by Jim Provenzano
  • Aug 21, 2020

With so many businesses closing, it's great news to learn of an opening. Roma's Ristorante Italiano, which opened on August 4. In a unique nod to the LGBT community, its namesake is 'nun' other than Sister Roma.

SF Castro's Badlands to close permanently

SF Castro's Badlands to close permanently

  • by John Ferrannini
  • Jul 30, 2020

The Castro nightclub Badlands at 4121 18th Street will not be reopening, according to a post on its Facebook page.

Thanks to matching offer from anonymous donor, Bay Area Reporter extends fundraising appeal

Thanks to matching offer from anonymous donor, Bay Area Reporter extends fundraising appeal

  • by Michael Yamashita
  • May 1, 2020

Thank you very much, it has been both humbling and encouraging receiving your generous support when so many are also in need of help. So far, we have raised just over $25,000 and are just 15% away from reaching our goal of $30,000.

You can help support the Bay Area Reporter fundraising campaign

You can help support the Bay Area Reporter fundraising campaign

  • by Michael Yamashita
  • Apr 15, 2020

San Francisco is one of 11 US cities that is fortunate to have a legacy LGBT publication by us, for us, and about us. Help preserve the BAR as an historic and important community institution for the future.

Polar Bear Skate @ Union Square Ice Rink

Polar Bear Skate @ Union Square Ice Rink

  • by Steven Underhill
  • Jan 8, 2020

2020 started off brisk and witty with costumed 'polar bear' skaters taking to the ice in skivvies, onesies and winter-themed costumes on Jan. 1 at the Safeway Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square, which is open through Jan. 20.

Nice packages:  Sexy holiday gifts for a loved one, or yourself

Nice packages: Sexy holiday gifts for a loved one, or yourself

  • by Cornelius Washington
  • Dec 11, 2019

If you're like many people who want to improve their sex and love quotients in the upcoming year, here are few selections for some sexy gifts, whether hung by a chimney or wrapped up with care.

Santa Skivvies Run @ Castro District

Santa Skivvies Run @ Castro District

  • by Steven Underhill
  • Dec 11, 2019

The San Francisco AIDS Foundation's eleventh annual Santa Skivvies Run drew participants out in festive holiday undergear on December 9 for the brisk short run fundraiser around the Castro.

Opening Day @ Safeway Holiday Ice Rink

Opening Day @ Safeway Holiday Ice Rink

  • by Steven Underhill
  • Nov 13, 2019

It was quite an icebreaker at the 12th annual opening for the Union Square Ice Rink, a holiday tradition that attracts thousands of locals and visiting tourists.

Castro Street Fair @ Castro & 18th

Castro Street Fair @ Castro & 18th

  • by Steven Underhill
  • Oct 9, 2019

Under sunny October 6 skies, Castro and 18th streets filled with booths, live music, and cheerleaders flying above the crowd of thousands who strolled the 46th annual Castro Street Fair.

10 Tips for Folsom newbies - Navigating the sexy street fair for optimum fun

10 Tips for Folsom newbies - Navigating the sexy street fair for optimum fun

  • by Race Bannon
  • Sep 25, 2019

Folsom Street Fair is just days away. Among the crowd will be throngs of people who have traversed past Fairs multiple times. For them, it's an annual gathering for which they already know the ins and outs.

Frank Schumacher memorial @ The Edge

Frank Schumacher memorial @ The Edge

  • by Mark Abramson
  • Aug 12, 2019

San Francisco bars often serve as more than a space for drinks and entertainment, but also for community gatherings. On a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, August 11, two crowds gathered to wish their loved-ones Godspeed.