San Francisco poet Richie Hofmann combines memoir and fiction in order to detail the character's interior monologue in his new book of poems, 'A Hundred Lovers.'
Award-winning writer and actor Harvey Fierstein qualifies as someone who has a distinctive voice and while reading his revelatory memoir, 'I Was Better Last Night,' you'd swear he was in the room with you, dishing away.
Sang Young Park's gay-themed 'Love in the Big City,' his first to be newly translated into English, has been a runaway bestseller (nine printings) in South Korea, astounding for such a socially conservative nation.
"I went to bed seeing the world one way. I woke up seeing it another," writes gay journalist Frank Bruni in his new memoir about that fateful morning in 2017 when he awoke with blurred vision resembling a thick fog.
Drenched in pheromones and the smells of the big bad city, Lara Elena Donnelly's latest novel offers further proof of the author's wide-ranging talent and creativity.
With his breathtaking and brief memoir 'Sticker,' queer writer Henry Hoke challenges our notions and expectations of the genre and does it all in under 125 pages.
In her new Young Adult novel, best-selling author Gayle Forman takes us back to the summer of 1987 in Los Angeles. Bug (aka Beatrice) and her older brother Danny navigate the streets around Venice Beach.
'Eleven-Inch.' Polish novelist Michal Witkowski's ninth book, bracingly rendered by his regular translator W. Martin, shares the picaresque chronicle of two teenagers on the lam from their politically oppressive homelands in Eastern Europe.
Akash, the protagonist of Neel Patel's debut novel, 'Tell Me How To Be,' ralphs at important family gatherings, behavior that evinces a certain sincerity in a clan infested with secrets.
Naomi W. Scales and Marilyn J. Jordan's co-authored memoir, 'From Pain To Love: Our Journey Outside The Rainbow,' is very timely, reflecting just about everything that is pathological about the African-American community.
Two biographies of Black lesbian playwright Lorrain Hansberry, one new, the other recent, offer insightful perspectives on the writer whose singular success and difficult life were cut short.
Memoirs by LGBTQ authors continue to be more popular than ever. Among the new releases, Keith Butler has written a no-holds-barred book about his personal struggles and his path to recovery.
Monique Jenkinson's memoir, a dazzlingly unfettered exposé of life as a soulful performer, begins, of course, with style, fashion, and budding star quality.