News :: National

Massive Stonewall 50 parade

Massive Stonewall 50 parade

  • by BAR staff
  • Jul 2, 2019

New York City celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots with a 12 and a half hour parade that included a stop at the famous gay bar that started it all.

Buttigieg wins points, but Harris dominates debates

Buttigieg wins points, but Harris dominates debates

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jul 2, 2019

The first round of Democratic presidential debates appears to have put Senator Kamala Harris of California near the top of the 24-candidate heap.

Chasten Buttigieg steps in for husband during Stonewall 50 parade

Chasten Buttigieg steps in for husband during Stonewall 50 parade

  • by Cynthia Laird
  • Jul 1, 2019

Chasten Buttigieg fills in for husband Pete Buttigieg during Stonewall 50 march in New York City.

Buttigieg faces critical test over police shooting

Buttigieg faces critical test over police shooting

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jun 26, 2019

Pete Buttigieg's meteoric campaign to become a top tier contender for the Democratic presidential nomination has been shaken by metaphorical earthquake that will test his fitness to address one of the nation's most divisive powder kegs: racism.

Advocates find Harris PrEP bill lacking

Advocates find Harris PrEP bill lacking

  • by Liz Highleyman
  • Jun 26, 2019

Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) last week introduced legislation that would expand access to PrEP by requiring public and private health insurers to cover it and funding a grant program for uninsured individuals.

Dem prez hopefuls offer LGBT proposals

Dem prez hopefuls offer LGBT proposals

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jun 19, 2019

Ahead of next week's Democratic presidential debates, several candidates have been showing their Pride.

Supreme Court punts on second cake case

Supreme Court punts on second cake case

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jun 18, 2019

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday side-stepped yet another case pitting religious beliefs hostile to LGBT people against human rights laws that seek to protect them.

Federal court requires heightened review in trans military ban case

Federal court requires heightened review in trans military ban case

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jun 14, 2019

A federal appeals panel in Seattle ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's ban on transgender people in the military "treats transgender persons differently than other persons," but it did not reinstate an injunction against enforcement of that ban.

High court could get anti-gay florist's case

High court could get anti-gay florist's case

  • by Lisa Keen
  • Jun 12, 2019

The U.S. Supreme Court may soon get another chance to consider whether businesses can claim religious motivations for refusing service to LGBT people.

Lawyer looking for 'blue discharge' recipients

Lawyer looking for 'blue discharge' recipients

  • by Meg Elison
  • Jun 12, 2019

Lawyer Elizabeth Kristen is looking for some of America's long-lost gay soldiers.

High court declines to hear appeal in trans case

High court declines to hear appeal in trans case

  • by Lisa Keen
  • May 29, 2019

The U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday declined to accept an appeal from a group of students challenging a public school's policy of allowing transgender students to use high school restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.

Trump administration proposes eliminating protections for trans people in ACA

Trump administration proposes eliminating protections for trans people in ACA

  • by Lisa Keen
  • May 24, 2019

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed Friday to "substantially revise" language in the Affordable Care Act to eliminate protections against discrimination based on gender identity in health care.

US House passes Equality Act

US House passes Equality Act

  • by Cynthia Laird
  • May 17, 2019

The House of Representatives Friday approved the Equality Act, legislation that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination throughout daily life.

HHS rule puts religious objections on 'steroids'

HHS rule puts religious objections on 'steroids'

  • by Lisa Keen
  • May 8, 2019

A new Trump administration regulation permitting religious bias came carefully wrapped up in the language of civil rights: Its text promises to "remove barriers" for people who want to work in health care.